Nine months on the road! Here’s what we’ve learned while traveling so far:
Weather matters
It’s not always cooler up North. We got to Michigan in mid July and it was in the nineties and muggy as heck. Over 10 days we drove to Dallas, and when we arrived I deemed it “too cold to go swimming” because it was only in the high 80s.

It’s really hot in Texas during the summer, most of the time. I was informed that we were in a Dallas cold front when we arrived back here. It was said as a joke, but then I realized it was actually pretty true. It’s now high-90s to low 100s every day, and it never gets colder than 77 at night.

When you don’t sunburn up north, it doesn’t mean you’re not going to sunburn during the same time of year in the South.

Hiking in 100 degree heat is not possible. Swimming is.
Fulfillment isn’t automatic
No matter how much you travel, we still need something more than “travel” to keep us fulfilled. I write. Jeremiah works. We try new recipes once a week.
There’s always room for improvement
There is always room for home on wheels improvement. Because I’m always breaking things.
There is also always room for self improvement, even if it’s just learning a new skill while traveling. (Like driving, cooking on the road, or a new coding language.)
Curiousity is what drives us. Jeremiah is always searching to learn new things, and when he does, he gets so jazzed that he gets up at 6, goes to bed at midnight, and researches and learns the entire time. Jeremiah is one of the least stagnant people I’ve ever met – which I knew before we hit the road, but that’s been just as apparent as we travel. I search out things that the locals like to do – and then we do them!

We are the same people as nine months ago
We are the same people we were when we left. I still talk about gardening. Jeremiah still talks about finishing his old truck that is in storage.
We like traveling, but it can be absolutely exhausting. We’re trying to balance a good mix of doing “stuff” and just living our life.
I’m still obsessed with grocery stores. More of those updates to come. Especially because we’re back in the land of H-E-B.
Happy together
At nine months on the road, we’ve learned we’re still happy together, in close quarters, together about 23 hours a day. (That one hour is when I’m at the pool.) Also, there’s about another 3 minutes a day where Jeremiah contemplates if he’s willing to put up with my required selfies.